It looks like the plan to blindside Janelle is working nicely. Although nearly everyone in the Big Brother house knows Janelle is the target this week, Janelle remains in the dark about the plan.
Janelle’s demise was carefully planned by Boogie, who was determined to save his closest ally Frank from eviction. After HOH Danielle won the Power of Veto, Boogie pitched a plan to save Frank by using the POV on Wil to put Janelle on the chopping block. He also proposed an alliance between himself, Frank, Danielle, Dan, Britney and Shane. They dubbed themselves the ‘Silent 6’ since they planned to keep the deal a secret. Danielle, Dan, Britney and Shane also made a side deal with Ian and he agreed to cast his vote against Janelle.
An alliance called ‘T*ts’ has been formed between Ashley, Jenn and Wil. They also plan to evict Janelle. Their three votes, along with the votes of Ian, Shane, Britney, Dan and Boogie will send Janelle packing tonight. Only Joe, who knows nothing about the plan to evict Janelle, is expected to vote to evict Frank.
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