Colorado Springs 8/10/2012 10:22:45 PM
News / People

Searching for Spiritual Wisdom

Most people are brought up in the spiritual tradition of their parents. Sometimes it seems something is lacking. The teachings are good but sometimes daily life feels wrong. Nagging questions arise regarding spirituality, and seeking answers to those questions propel people on their own spiritual journey.

Christianity is familiar to many people. The Bible is the written base. Yet, there are several sects and each one claims to have all the spiritual answers anyone is looking for. Each one holds Jesus up as an example to follow. If everyone were following Jesus, wouldn’t the world be a different place? One thing Jesus said is that people after Him would do even greater works than He did. In 2,000 years, how many people has that been? What is the problem?

One clear instruction by Jesus is to fast. This is the best place to start on a spiritual journey. It is a time to receive individual instructions and direction for a lifetime of work. It is important to pay attention to every event that takes place during the fast. The answer may come through a dream, or something may happen with perfect timing.

Another idea is that the body is a temple for the living God. What does that mean? Answering this question can lead to spiritual understanding from eastern countries. The practice of yoga is popular. Yoga keeps the body in shape, and it teaches about energy centers in the body. The energy centers have specific locations, colors and functions. When the physical body is functioning well, so are the energy centers. The energy centers relate to the intellect, feeling and intuition aspects of human nature.

Someone may still not feel spiritually right. Physical exercise and knowing about energy centers is good, but yoga is limited to specific poses. When someone is looking for a spiritual practice that can be applied anytime, anywhere, T’ai Chi Ch’uan is a good next step.

T’ai Chi is another eastern practice that combines physical movements with the energy centers in the body. The difference is that practicing T’ai Chi is not limited to class time. The T’ai Chi principles of keeping the body upright, maintaining balance, breathing deeply and staying relaxed can be applied throughout a day.

The journey of spiritual development may lead to wonderful discoveries. Recently Native Americans are engaging in pow wows. The traditional teachers are a wealth of wisdom. The culture is not passed from generation to generation through writing. Instead, it’s an oral tradition.

Other spiritual practices speak of unity while Native Americans are living examples of this sought-after unity. Going to church takes on new meaning. Native Americans teach that everything someone does, thinks and feels is taking place in church.

Native Americans read nature like others read a written word. By understanding the cycle of the seasons and growing things, science is integrated with spiritual insights. The symbol of the medicine wheel combines these teachings.

Seekers ask spiritual questions to a traditional Medicine Man or Medicine Woman. One reply is to listen to his own heart, since being given answers will make someone spiritually lazy.

It is comforting to know everything is going as planned by our Creator. Guidance for spiritual development is available everywhere. The online forums are wonderful. It’s easy to see that the Emotional Freedom Technique ties in with the healing practice of T’ai Chi. Participating in the online forums are great for support. They may reveal the knowledge someone is searching for.

Whether wisdom is found through online forums, reading or observing nature, it is comforting to know there is an answer to every spiritual question.