St. Petersburg 8/13/2012 7:50:00 AM
News / Nature

Real Estate Inspections Done Right with Bingham's Professional Pest Management

Don't let another property sale fall apart because of an incomplete real estate inspection. When it comes to selling a home or building, there's a lot to think about and a lot to do. Let Bingham Professional Pest Management take some of the pressure off. Offering Wood Destroying Organisms Real Estate Inspections, Bingham's can provide realtors with some peace of mind.

Wood Destroying Organisms Real Estate Inspections are a necessity if you are trying to sell a home or property.  Failure to receive an inspection can mean delays or even the loss of a sale. Don't let this happen to you. Bingham's WDO inspectors are state certified and in most cases they can come out and perform the inspection on the same day you call.

Bingham Professional Pest Management has been serving St. Petersburg, Florida for over 40 years. Now serving the entire Central Florida area, Bingham offers a wide variety of pest control management services to help you keep the pests out of your home or office.

Whether you need once a year pest control, to termite treatments, or even fumigation, Bingham Professional Pest Management can do it all. If you have a pest problem, call Bingham for a free, no-obligation inspection to find out what they can do for you. One of their highly trained technicians will come to you home or office to evaluation the situation and decide on an effective treatment plan that will fit your building and budget. 

Call today and find out what Bingham can do for you. (727) 323 8866