Atlanta 8/11/2012 4:28:33 AM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 14 Week 5 Spoilers: Silent 6 Talks Nominations

The Silent 6 will remain in power another week thanks to Frank, who won the Head of Household competition Thursday night. Soon after the competition he began thinking about his options for nominations this week. The Silent 6 agreed Joe should be the target this week and Wil should be the target next week.

Realizing he is probably the target, Joe threw Wil under the bus during a conversation with Frank last night. He told Frank that Wil is a liar and can’t be trusted. Frank agreed, but still told Joe he will most likely be nominated. After Joe left the HOH room, Frank told Boogie and Britney about the conversation. Britney said she is on board with getting Joe out, but definitely wants Wil to go next week.

While talking to Dan and Boogie, Frank suggested putting up someone from their own alliance as a pawn so it won’t be so obvious they are working together. They think Shane or Britney would be good options because it will make them look like bigger threats next week if Wil wins HOH. Shane later offered to be the pawn.


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