Times can be tough and if your structured settlement payments just don't seem to be enough you may find yourself struggling a little more. If you sell all or some of your structured settlement payments you'll get the money you need to catch up on your finances and focus more on living your life.
AnFed Bank can help you get the money you need. After years of working within the structured settlement finance industry, AnFed Bank has the knowledge and experience to help you get the best deal possible for your
structured settlement payments.
Because AnFed Bank is a bank, it is a direct source. The bank does not
buy structured settlements just to resell them for larger profit. This means there are no middle men and no one to share your lump sum payment resulting in a larger lump sum payment for you.
Trust AnFed Bank to sell your structured settlement payments and get the money you need today. Their team of experienced professionals will help you develop a lump sum payment to fit your needs and help you get your finances back on track.
Sell your structured settlement payments to AnFed Bank today and get your money now.