Atlanta 8/13/2012 11:39:53 PM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 14 Week 5 POV Competition Spoilers

Head of Household Frank decided to be straightforward with his nominations this week. He put Wil and Joe on the block because they have both wanted to evict him at some point in the game. Wil and Joe’s only hope was the Power of Veto, but Frank won that also.

The POV competition involved the Zingbot. Jenn, Ashley and Boogie were chosen to play along with Frank, Joe and Wil. Shane used his Veto Ticket to play.

Frank’s POV win gives him the opportunity to backdoor another house guest, but for now it looks like he plans to keep the nominations the same. Frank and his Silent 6 alliance originally planned to target Joe, but Wil put himself on their radar by hinting he was on to their alliance. The Silent 6 feel Wil could be a big threat and can’t be trusted. Frank and Boogie have discussed keeping Wil so he can go after other Silent 6 members in the coming weeks.

Check back for updates on the POV ceremony.


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