Houston 8/14/2012 10:23:55 PM
News / Health & Wellness

DHEA Cream Twist 25 helps people lose weight and feel good

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is the most abundant natural base building block for hormones in the body. We make more and more DHEA until about age 25

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is the most abundant natural base building block for hormones in the body. We make more and more DHEA until about age 25; then gradually produce less and less as time passes – about 2% less every year. So by age 35, the effects of declining hormones begin to be noticed in many ways.

DHEA used as a cream absorbed in the skin provides noticeable advantages so people are more active, feel healthy and fit so they begin to lose weight while it also reduces the risks of many diseases.

DHEA has been known of for years, and is commonly taken as an oral health supplement. Now medical studies show that DHEA must be delivered to the body as a cream rather than as a pill supplement. DHEA is known to do many things in the body to support health and well being.  Women between the ages of 40 to 60 absolutely love the benefits of Twist 25 DHEA cream. Many customers have posted videos on Youtube telling of what Twist 25 DHEA cream has done for them.

Medical research shows the human body metabolizes the pro-hormone DHEA into small amounts of many hormones such as testosterone in the skin. The skin is where we use much of the DHEA we make. So Twist 25 cream actually provides exactly what the body produces naturally, bioidentical DHEA, where we use it, in the skin.

DHEA counterbalances the harmful effects of the stress hormone cortisol. This is the primary reason DHEA helps to improve mood, motivation and feeling of well-being.

Because DHEA is a mild base for testosterone and other androgenic hormones, it tends to make people feel more energetic and have more drive.  So people then to be more active and exercise more. This, as we all know is the best way for people lose weight; and since DHEA is a mild  androgen base, less fat is stored by the body in the presence
of androgenic hormones as opposed to estrogenic hormones.

The key to losing weight is speeding up metabolism relative to how much is eaten and how active one is.  This is why most users of Twist 25 DHEA cream feel leaner and fitter, have more energy and feeling of well-being, are more active, get more exercise and lose weight.

Physicians at the Washington University School of Medicine found that “DHEA replacement therapy induced significant decreases in both visceral (within the abdomen) and subcutaneous (below the skin surface) in men and women.  The research suggests “that long-term DHEA replacement might reduce accumulation of abdominal fat and protect against development of metabolic/insulin resistance syndrome”  (LINK to:


Twist 25 DHEA cream is the top quality DHEA cream. Twist 25 is only made and sold only in the U.S.A. Twist 25 is laboratory tested for proper mix and strength. Twist 25 cream is made and sold only in the U.S.A.  For more information or to find retailers that carry Twist 25 DHEA Cream in your area please visit the website at http://store.twist25.com

About Health2Go, Inc.
Health2Go, Inc. - the source for Twist 25 DHEA Cream
Houston, Texas
Ph: 281-370-0957