Atlanta 8/15/2012 12:34:05 AM
News / Entertainment

Evelyn Lozada Speaks Out Against Chad Johnson: Domestic Violence Is Not Okay

Chad Johnson’s estranged wife is speaking out about his domestic violence arrest over the weekend. In a statement to Entertainment Tonight, Evelyn Lozada says she is “deeply disappointed” in the NFL wide receiver for not owning up to head butting her during a heated argument outside their Miami area home.

"I am deeply disappointed that Chad has failed to take responsibility for his actions and made false accusations against me,” the Basketball Wives star says. "It is my sincere hope that he seeks the help he needs to overcome his troubles. Domestic violence is not okay, and hopefully my taking a stand will help encourage other women to break their silence as well."

Johnson, formerly known as Chad Ochocinco, has not responded to Lozada’s statement. The 34-year-old was arrested Saturday afternoon for misdemeanor domestic battery. Police say the argument and alleged head butting occurred in the couple’s car after Lozada confronted Johnson about a receipt for condoms.

“She alleges he leaned over and head-butted her. He says she leaned towards him and that they butted heads. Needless to say she has a good laceration on her forehead,” said Capt. Dale Engle.

Lozada was treated at Westside Regional Hospital for a 3-inch cut on her forehead. Johnson was taken to Broward County jail where he was held overnight. He was released Sunday afternoon after posting $2,500 bond. Johnson’s attorney, Adam Swickle, confirmed a judge also issued a no contact order that prevents Johnson from having any communication with Lozada.

Johnson was cut from the Miami Dolphins about 24 hours after his arrest. On Monday, VH1 canceled his upcoming reality show ‘Ev and Ocho.’ "Due to the unfortunate events over the weekend and the seriousness of the allegations, VH1 is pulling the series Ev and Ocho from its schedule and has no current plans of airing it," the network said in a statement.


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