Washington 8/15/2012 3:41:27 AM
News / Law

Federal Lawsuit Alleges Sexual Harassment and Discrimination at the Department of Homeland Security

Washington, D.C. - A federal lawsuit, filed by a male employee for Immigration Customs Enforcement, alleges that DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano fostered a culture of sexual discrimination and harassment.

James Hayes a senior enforcement officer for ICE filed the lawsuit, stating than Napolitano created a “hostile work environment” by discriminating against male employees. Hayes accuses “higher-ups” of creating a “frat-house” atmosphere which included verbal sexual harassment in addition to discrimination, according to the New York Post.

Forbes reported that female supervisors screamed at male employee and used humiliating language including sexual comments. One female manager allegedly told an employee she wanted his “c**k in the back of her throat.”

When Hayes filed a complaint, several investigations into his behavior were launched in an effort to intimidate him.

Hayes also alleges that he was denied a promotion in favor of one Napolitano’s friend Dora Shriro, who is described as “having a long-term relationship with the secretary.”

The suit also alleges that Napolitano’s chief of staff, Suzanne Barr, would reward male employees who played along with her sexually charged games. Hayes said he heard Barr was Napolitano’s “tennis partner.”

Secretary Napolitano denies the allegations.

Proving sexual harassment and discrimination can be difficult, though a sexual harassment attorney has the necessary skills to prove this in a court.

When an employer retaliates against an employee or does nothing to stop harassment or discrimination they can be forced by the courts to compensate the abused individual. When allegations prove to be true, juries and judges can award large settlements.