If you need money now but your structured settlement payment isn't due to hit till later, selling all or some of your structured settlement payments can get you the money you need now. There are may companies that buy structured settlements, but not all of them are honest. When you are ready to sell your structured settlement, be sure to do your homework and find the company that works best for you.
AnFed Bank buys structured settlement payments. They have been helping people like you get the most out of their payments since 2008 and they can help you to. Their team of experienced professionals will work with you to develop a fair lump sum payment for your structured settlement so you can get the money that you need right away.
AnFed Bank is different from other companies that buy structured settlement payments because they do not engage in reselling structured settlement payments at a higher price. This means no middle man and more money for you because there is no one else to share the
lump sum payment with.
When it comes to selling your structured settlement, you shouldn't have to settle for a bare minimum lump sum payment. Go direct to the source and sell your structured settlement for the best price possible.
Sell your structured settlement to AnFed Bank today and get the money you're owed.