Scranton 8/16/2012 7:47:55 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Painless Dentistry: The New Technologies

New advances in dental technology have evolved to reduce fear and anxiety at the dentist. Procedures are now virtually painless, making a dental visit a surprisingly joyful engagement. Dentists provide dental health with technologies that relieve tooth pain and remove fear and anxiety. Great dentists in PA have new medications, procedures, and techniques that have forever changed the practice of dentistry.

Topical Anesthetics

The main reason people delay oral health is fear of the pain associated with the dental visit. With pain no longer involved in dental procedures, people can be at ease and finally achieve the dental health they deserve. Topical applications of anesthetics have become more effective. Routinely applied with a swab, the “numb” area will not feel pain at the injection site.

Oral Sedation

Dentists in PA routinely practice sedation dentistry with nitrous oxide treatment and oral sedatives. With the use of medications that promote a state of deep relaxation, the patient is fully awake and does not experience the pain and anxiety of dental procedures of the past. With sedation dentistry, even the most sensitive patients can receive dental care and experience reduced gag reflex, post procedural jaw soreness, and allows several procedures to be performed at the same visit.

Laser Technology

In the past, drilling a cavity for a filling was painful and increased the fear in patients. The dentists in PA use laser drills to remove decay from teeth in preparation for filling cavities. Without further damage to the healthy nerves in the tooth, a dentist can perform a root canal with a laser drill that does not harm the enamel or cause discoloration of the tooth. The laser is more precise and less painful than the standard drills of the past, and may reduce the need for anesthesia.

Electronically Delivered Anesthesia

For people who shy away from injections, an alternative to pain control is transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). In preparation for a dental procedure, adhesive pads are applied to the face and electrical nerve impulses are sent to numb the area receiving treatment. The patient can control the pain via a hand held device that can increase or decrease the stimulation. The patient enjoys a painless dental procedure in a relaxed and calm state.

Intravenous Sedation for Extensive Procedures

Patients requiring extensive dental work or experience high anxiety may consider conscious sedation. The patient is very relaxed but remains awake and can answer the dentist’s questions. An intravenous (IV) is inserted into the hand or arm, and the medication is infused a controlled rate for a sedative effect. Dentists monitor the patient closely throughout the procedure, and the medication wears off in minutes after the infusion is stopped.

No More Fear and Anxiety 

With new advances in dentistry, patients can enjoy dental care in a relaxed and painless state. Without fear, patients can receive optimal dental health from regular checkups and prevent complications. Sedation dentistry helps even the most sensitive patient experience a pain and anxiety free dental visit. With different pain control options to choose from, patients need to be involved in their care and discuss a plan with their dentist.