Atlanta 8/17/2012 10:24:34 PM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 14 Week 5 Eviction Recap: Wil Sent Packing, Endurance HOH Competition

Wil knew his fate was sealed after Frank decided to not use the Power of Veto, but he still tries to gather votes from Shane, Britney, Danielle, Dan and Ian. His closest ally, Ashley, also tries to get information from Frank by asking him to go on a ‘date’ with her in the HOH room. There ended up being more kissing than game talk, and Ashley walks away with no more information than she had going in to the date.

Meanwhile, Joe doesn’t realize his campaign for votes is pointless since Wil is the target. Although the Silent 6 already know how they will vote, they don’t offer Joe any assurances.

Realizing Frank gave up a perfect opportunity to backdoor him, Dan thanks Frank for remaining loyal to their Silent 6 alliance. Frank admits to seriously thinking about backdooring Dan. He hopes his honestly will make Dan trust him, but it actually does the opposite. Dan knows now he needs to get Frank out as soon as possible.

Before the live eviction, Julie Chen gives the houseguests news updates. The updates include Jennifer Aniston’s engagement, Dwight Howard’s trade to the L.A. Lakers, and the breakup of Twilight stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.

Wil is evicted by a 6 to 2 vote. Only Jenn and Ashley voted to evict Joe.

After Wil’s departure, the houseguests head outside to compete in the endurance HOH competition. The players must cross a slippery surface to transfer liquid from a barrel to a jar containing a cork ball. The first houseguest to fill up their jug enough to remove the ball wins HOH. There are also two temptation jars – one for safety and one for $10,000. The winners of the temptations can’t win HOH.

Boogie immediately goes for the money while Ashley, Britney, Dan, Joe and Jenn go for safety. Ian, Shane and Danielle appear to be the only players going for HOH.


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