Atlanta 8/17/2012 11:00:05 PM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 14 Week 6 Spoilers: HOH Competition Results

When Thursday’s live episode ended, the houseguests were competing in an endurance HOH competition. The challenge required the players to cross a slippery surface to transfer liquid from a barrel to a jar containing a ball. The first houseguest to fill up their jug enough to remove the ball wins HOH. There are also two temptation jars – one for safety and one for $10,000. The winners of the temptations can’t win HOH.

Boogie immediately starts on his money jar, while Britney, Jenn, Dan, Joe and Ashley all go for their safety jars. Only Shane, Danielle and Ian start on their HOH jars.

When the live feeds return, Shane appears to be in the lead for HOH, and Britney and Dan are in a close race for safety. Britney wins safety and is out of the competition at 7:23. Boogie wins the $10,000 about 30 minutes later. Shane keeps up his lead for HOH and wins at 8:29.


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