CBS has revealed fifteen of the eighteen castaways competing on the upcoming season of Survivor. The diverse cast of Survivor: Philippines includes two faces fans may recognize - former MLB player Jeff Kent, 44, and “The Facts of Life” star Lisa Whelchel, 49.
Whelchel says she doesn’t plan to deny she played Blair Warner on “The Facts of Life.” "I'm not going to volunteer it, but at the same time, even though there are a lot of young people and I'm sure they have no idea who Blair Warner is, there are some older people and even if only one knows it certainly will get around, so I won't deny it," she says.
Kent says he hopes no one recognizes him. "You know, there are not many tall white guys with mustaches walking around still these days. I'm hoping my reputation's not big enough that these people know who I am,” says the former National League MVP.
The rest of the cast includes:
Sarah Dawson, 28
Katie Hanson, 22
Abi-Maria Gomes, 32
Roberta Saint Amour, 27
Artis Silvester, 53
Dana Lambert, 32
Carter Williams, 24
Peter Yurkowski, 24
Angie Layton, 20
Roxanne Morris, 28
Denise Stapley, 41
Zane Knight, 28
Malcolm Freberg, 25
The three players whose names have not been released are Survivor veterans who were forced to leave their seasons early for medical reasons.
Survivor: Philippines will premiere on September 19.
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