After nominations, Frank and Boogie are determined to find out why Shane put them on the chopping block so they confront him in the HOH room. Shane initially blames Joe and the mystery box, but Boogie won’t buy it. Boogie and Frank push Shane for another answer, so Shane says he heard from a trustworthy source that they were coming after him and Britney. Shane also says he was “influenced” by someone in his ear, and Boogie immediately assumes that person is Britney.
Britney is furious she is taking the heat for breaking up the Silent Six alliance, but she refuses to tell Boogie that she got her information from Ian. Britney and the rest of the Quack Pack want to protect Ian so he can continue to feed them information about what Boogie and Frank are saying. Britney manages to convince Boogie and Frank she is not the source, but in the process the guys begin to believe Dan is the source. Dan remains silent when they confront him because he wants to protect Ian. His silence convinces Boogie and Frank that he is guilty.
Shane, Frank, Boogie, Ashley, Ian and Jenn play in the Power of Veto competition. The competition requires the players to estimate how much candy is in a display. Players can choose to stay or fold. The player closest to the correct amount earns a point and the player farthest away from the correct amount is eliminated. The person to earn 3 points first wins the POV. Boogie is out first. He is followed by Jenn, Ian and Shane. Frank beats Ashley for the Power of Veto.
After the competition, Boogie and Frank get to work gathering votes and throwing Dan under the bus. They hope to convince Shane to backdoor Dan when Frank uses his POV. At the POV ceremony, Shane remains loyal to the Quack Pack. He makes Jenn the replacement nominee.
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