Valley Village 8/24/2012 3:34:20 AM
News / Law

Two Women Killed, Six Others Injured Offering Aid to Traffic Accident Victim

Valley Village, CA- Two women were killed Wednesday night after they attempted to offer aid to an accident victim.

The two unidentified women were separately responding to the scene of the accident when they were electrocuted.

The accident occurred around 8:30 when a male driver attempted to make a turn a lost control. His vehicle slammed into an electricity pole, and stopped short 10 ft. of a fire hydrant, which burst, shooting water two stories into the air.

The crashed exposed live ground wires near the vehicle where water from the hydrant was beginning to pool. A woman who lived nearby ran to the driver’s aid but was electrocuted when she hit the water.

A man and his wife were driving by the scene and also stopped to assist the driver. The woman was electrocuted, but her husband only suffered minor injuries.

Fire officials said that the dark concealed the wires so the two women had no way of knowing there was a danger of electrocution.

Five other people also attempted to offer the driver assistance but they all got a jolt of electricity. However their injuries were not life-threatening. The first two women were taken to the hospital in grave danger where they later died.

It is such a tragedy that two people offer aid to another lost their lives and emphasizes the point of proceeding with caution when offering aid.

Traffic accidents are an unfortunate fact of life. In instances where liability is apparent an accident attorney will fight for compensation on behalf of the injured or the families of the deceased. Victims who have been injured or died deserve to have their medical bills and other costs covered by the negligent driver.