Dan pulled off the impossible – he got himself off the chopping block! At the POV ceremony today, Jenn used her POV on Dan and Frank make Britney the replacement nominee.
Dan’s fate appeared to be sealed when Ian won the Veto Ball and Jenn won the Power of Veto. The Quack Pack had already turned on him and planned to vote him out, but Dan refused to give up. After spending 24 hours in solitary confinement (which was part of punishments handed out in the POV ceremony), Dan called a house meeting and held his own “funeral” in which he said goodbye. He said nice things about everyone except his closest ally Danielle. Dan told her she is not trustworthy and she is dead to him in the Big Brother house.
While everyone comforted Danielle, Dan worked his magic on Frank. He revealed details about the Quack Pack alliance and exposed Ian as the mole that ultimately orchestrated Boogie’s eviction. Dan also revealed that both of Frank’s nominations this week would have been vetoed if Britney or Shane had won the POV. Dan told Frank that Britney planned for both the regular POV and the Ian’s Veto Ball to be used. Dan convinced Frank to form a new alliance and backdoor Britney.
Dan later apologized to Danielle and revealed that his mean comments were all part of a plan to save both of them. Dan, Danielle, Frank and Jenn then made a final four deal.
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