Houston 8/29/2012 2:08:56 AM
News / Law

Death of Baby in Houston Raises Crib Safety Concerns

When an infant dies in a crib questions are inevitably asked as to whether defective equipment was to blame.

On August 23, 2012 a seven-month-old girl was found unresponsive at a home in Hammerly, Houston.

Police said the child was found to be unresponsive. Although she was taken to Texas Children’s Hospital she was pronounced deceased.

“The child's grandfather was caring for the baby when he put her down for an afternoon nap, police said. Later, another person who lives in the apartment came home and discovered the infant unresponsive. Police said the baby was found between the railing of the crib and the mattress,” the Houston Chronicle reported.

Police were awaiting autopsy results on the child, before they could determine a cause of death.

It’s not clear what kind of crib was being used, but I’m well aware of the dangers of some kinds of cribs. A potential suffocation risk, led to a number of massive recalls of drop sided cribs in recent years.

More than 10 million drop sided cribs were recalled after as many as many as 32 children suffered strangulation and suffocation deaths.

In December, 2012, the Consumer Product Safety Commission's announced that after decades of use, the sale of drop-side cribs was being banned.

The circumstances of the baby's death in Houston makes me wonder if a crib with drop sides was, in fact, being used.

Cribs are not the only piece of infant equipment to present dangers to children.

Recently I reported on how Evenflo recalled thousands of Chinese-made high chairs after several incidents of trays detaching, leading to infants falling out of them. At least 8 infants were injured.

If a child is killed or injured by faulty equipment there may be grounds to bring a product liability lawsuit.

If your child has been injured by equipment such as a crib, a car seat or a toy please call our law firm at (713) 888-8888 or (281) 888-8888.

Ramji & AssociatesLaw Firm

2920 Virginia StreetHouston, Texas 77098

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