Atlanta 8/31/2012 12:19:01 AM
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Big Brother 14 Week 7 Recap: Dan’s POV Surprise

After nominations, Jenn approaches Frank about forming an alliance. Frank jumps at the chance to have an ally in the game. His target is Dan and Jenn is completely on board with getting Dan out of the house.

Meanwhile, Britney comes up with a plan to keep the entire Quack Pack safe by taking both Dan and Danielle of the chopping block. The plan involves Britney or Shane winning the Power of Veto and using it to veto one of the nominees. Ian would then use the Veto Ball he won when Padora’s Box was opened to veto the second nominee. That put the numbers back on the Quack Pack’s side and they would decide the eviction.

Frank, Dan, Danielle, Shane, Britney and Jenn play in the POV competition. For the challenge, the players must earn points by guessing a word from a Draw Something sketch submitted by fans. If they guess correctly they must accept the punishment connected to the drawing or be eliminated from the game. The houseguests are not allowed to help each other guess the drawings.

Frank quickly takes the lead. His punishments include taking an avocado bath, taking chum showers for 24hours, wearing a carrot suit for a week and sitting out of an upcoming HOH competition. Danielle wins one round and is splattered with paint for 2 minutes. Britney also wins a round and must be shackled to Danielle for 24 hours. Dan wins two rounds. He eats gross food and gets a 24 hour dance party in solitary confinement. Jenn wins a round and must burn her clothes. Frank is seconds away from winning when he is disqualified for helping Britney with a drawing. Jenn wins the final round and the POV. Her last punishment is being on slop for the rest of the game.

Dan goes into solitary confinement realizing he needs to come up with a plan to get Jenn to use her veto. He comes out ready to host his own “Big Brother funeral” in which he says goodbye and praises everyone accept Danielle. He calls her untrustworthy and says she is dead to him in the game. Danielle is shocked and immediately bursts into tears. While everyone is consoling her, Dan talks to Frank in the HOH room. He reveals everything about the Quack Pack and how Ian was the one who orchestrated Boogie’s downfall last week. Dan gets Frank to agree to have Jenn use the POV on him so they can backdoor Britney, Ian’s closest ally. Dan then pulls Danielle aside and reveals his entire funeral speech was an act. He tells her they now have an alliance with Frank and Jenn.

At the POV ceremony, Britney and Ian are completely shocked when Jenn uses her POV on Dan. Frank makes Britney the replacement nominee.


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