Washington 9/1/2012 3:06:28 AM
News / Law

Safety Tips for an Accident Free Labor Day

Labor Day is the last blast of the summer, and millions of people will be hitting the road, taking their last vacation, visiting their friends and doing fun things. With all of these things to do, knowing you’ll be traveling and driving around there some safety tips you should follow.

The National Safety Council estimates that 38,000 people will be injured in traffic accidents and an additional 400 people will lose their lives. Over the past six years traffic fatalities on Labor Day have increased by 14.6 percent.

The NSC provides safety tips on how to make this weekend not only lots of fun, but very safe.

One recommendation is to wear your safety belt; this has proven time and time again to save lives. By following this simple rule, the NSC estimates that 142 lived will be saved.

Leave on or ahead of time. When you’re in a hurry you are likely to take more risks and speed, which causes many traffic fatalities.

Because distracted driving is one of the leading causes of vehicle accidents, the NSC recommends designating a distraction free zone, especially in autos with GPS, and electronic devices; put away cellphones.

Be very aware of your surroundings; make certain to pay careful attention to other drivers. If you see a person driving recklessly call the police, and get them off the road.

This should be a given, but Don’t Drink and Drive. If you have one too many drinks take a cab, call a friend, crash on someone’s couch, just don't get behind the wheel.

You can also get safe boating tips here.

Traffic accidents cause many injuries and fatalities; these are not only tragic but costly. According to the NHTSA motor vehicle accidents cost $32 billion a year. These costs are mostly attributed to medical care and property destruction. People who are involved in a traffic collision often turn to accident attorneys to get the money they need to cover their expenses.