Free Auction Listing Fees in celebration of the Holidays is offered by Finditt Auctions, a new addition to the increasing popular pay per click advertising search engine Finditt.
In celebration of our recent launch and increasing fees on Ebay, Finditt Auctions is offering Free Listing Fees and no monthly store cost as our way of saying Thanks and populating the new feature
With the rising costs in fees on Ebay auctions many of their customers are looking for alternative auctions to sell products and have the ability to maintain a profit margin that makes good business sense.
Finditt Auctions, a service of the Finditt Pay Per Click Advertising search engine, has been seeing a steady increase in traffic along with members to other services offered by Finditt, a division of TransWorldNews.
A spokesman for TrasnWorldNews stated with the addition of Finditt search our customers can now submit news and press releases directly to a search engine, create auctions, set up stores, upload videos, join Friends, post jobs and resumes while we add auto listings, dating , realty and shopping. This is a great place for people on the web to have everything available in one place to either search for things or post and list and connect with buyers and sellers.
Finditt, which is still in its first quarter of existence, recognizes the value of content and attracting Auctions from Ebay and other sites by providing a friendly program that provides a better return on investment than other Auction sites. Finditt is dedicated to increasing traffic to the site to give our sellers the people they need to buy their listings.
You can list your items on Finditt Auctions through the holiday free and we currently have no monthly store costs.
To create the largest most cost effective auction site on the web join Finditt Auctions today.
Finditt we bring the tools to you, all you have to do is open the box and build what it is you want on the web.