Atlanta 9/6/2012 11:27:20 PM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 14 Week 8 POV Recap: Dan Dominates

Ian may be HOH this week, but Dan continues to control the game by manipulating everyone in the house. After the nomination ceremony, Dan fools Frank in to thinking that he is still completely loyal to the secret alliance they made last week with Danielle and Jenn. He even gets Frank to consider throwing the POV competition under the guise of keeping everyone in their alliance safe. Dan reasons that if he wins the POV and saves Jenn, Ian will be forced to nominate Joe and they will have the votes to keep Frank safe. All of Dan’s plan is a lie and he has no intention of honoring any of his promises to Frank.

The POV competition is the classic Otev challenge in which the players must answer his riddle by bringing back an object with the name of a houseguest.  This Otev is an alien and the object he needs is corn. The players must slide down a slippery slope and climb under barbed wire to get to the corn field. One spot in front of Otev is removed in each round, so the last person to reach him is eliminated if everyone with a spot answers correctly. Danielle is out first. She is followed by Ian and Joe. Jenn is out fourth, leaving Dan and Frank to battle for the POV. Dan returns with his corn first and wins the Power of Veto.

After the competition, Dan approaches Ian about making a final two deal. Ian is all for it and agrees that it is best to keep their deal a secret. Dan also convinces Ian that it is best for him to use the POV on Jenn and for Ian to nominate Joe. This makes Dan look loyal to Jenn and Frank when he will actually be going along with Ian’s plan to get Frank out of the house.

Dan saves Jenn at the POV ceremony and Ian puts Joe up as the replacement nominee. To disguise their final two deal, Ian acts like he is mad that Dan used the POV.


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