After the POV ceremony, Dan assures Frank that he has the votes to stay. Dan and the Quack Pack actually plan to send Frank packing, but Dan wants to keep pretending he plans to honor his alliance with Frank and Jenn. He even plans ahead with Frank, running through different HOH scenarios for the coming week. Dan slips up when he brings up the possibility of Joe winning HOH, but Frank still doesn’t suspect anything.
Just minutes before the eviction, Julie Chen informs the houseguests it is a double eviction night. Frank tries to use the double eviction to his advantage, telling everyone in his speech that they will have another opportunity to get him out of the house since he is not eligible to play in the next HOH. He still seems confident in Dan and Danielle’s loyalty when the voting begins. Frank is completely shocked when he is evicted by a 3 to 1 vote.
For the HOH challenge, Julie reads quotes from pre-eviction speeches and the players must identify the houseguest who said it. The player with the most points after 7 questions wins HOH. It comes down to Jenn, Dan and Danielle in a tie breaker round. Dan wins and nominates Ian and Joe for eviction.
The POV competition is a shark-themed table maze. The houseguest who moves their fin through the puzzle and hits their buzzer first wins the Power of Veto. Ian makes quick work of his maze and wins the POV. He uses it to take himself off the chopping block. Dan makes Danielle the replacement nominee. Joe is evicted by a 3 to 0 vote.
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