As the last non-Quack Pack member in the house, Jenn is Ian’s target this week. Ian put her on the chopping block alongside Shane. Jenn’s last chance of surviving was the POV competition, but she was unable to pull off the win. Instead, Shane won the POV and is expected to remove himself from the block at the POV ceremony later today. That will force Ian to make either Dan or Danielle the replacement nominee. He seems to be leaning towards putting Danielle on the block.
Shane’s POV win also apparently included a luxury prize. He got a trip outside the Big Brother house with the houseguest of his choice – Danielle. Shane and Danielle were taken to the Kellogg’s Tour of Gymnastics Champions. They met gold medal gymnasts and scored autographed boxes of Corn Flakes.
Check back for updates on the POV ceremony.
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