Atlanta 9/12/2012 12:36:11 AM
News / Entertainment

Bachelor Pad 3 Finale Recap: Nick Takes The Money

The third season of Bachelor Pad ended last night with Nick Petersen being declared the sole winner of the $250,000, but before his shocking decision the former contestants dished on the season’s drama and their relationships outside the mansion.

The highlights:

- Kalon and Lindzi are still dating

- Michael reveals he is no longer with his girlfriend in the house, finalist Rachel Truehart, because he “just didn’t fall in love.” Rachel later confronts him about his actions in the house, but Michael’s continues to say he just wasn’t that in to her.

- Blakeley and Tony’s unlikely romance is still going strong. Blakeley announces she is moving into Tony’s Portland home. Tony surprises her by proposing with a Neil Lane engagement ring and she accepts.

- Nearly everyone bashes Chris for his behavior in the house. Jackie and Blakeley are especially harsh. Chris apologizes several times and eventually declares that he has had enough of everyone’s criticism.

After rehashing the season’s drama, the former contestants vote on which couple they want to win – Nick and Rachel, or Chris and Sarah. Nick and Rachel are declared the winners. They head to private rooms to make their decision on whether to keep the money or share. If both pick ‘Share,’ they split the $250,000. If they both pick ‘Keep,’ the money is divide among the former contestants. If one picks ‘Keep’ and the other picks ‘Share,’ the person who picked ‘Keep’ wins all the money.

Rachel chooses to share the money, but Nick reveals he will keep it all for himself because Rachel was never fully on board with their last minute partnership.


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