Houston 9/12/2012 2:57:56 AM
News / Health & Wellness

DHEA Cream Twist 25 deep sleep, lose weight,feel great

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is the most abundant
natural base building block for hormones in the body. We make more and
more DHEA until about age 25; then gradually make less and less as
time passes – about 2% less every year. So by age 35, the effects of
declining down stream hormones begin to be noticed in many ways.

DHEA used as a cream absorbed in the skin provides noticeable
advantages over DHEA pills. People feel healthy and fit thus are more
active and productive each day so they begin to lose weight and sleep
better at night.

DHEA has been known of for years, and has been commonly taken as an
oral health supplement. Now medical studies show that DHEA must be
delivered to the body as a cream rather than as a pill supplement.
DHEA is known to do many things to support health and well being.
Women between the ages of 40 to 60 absolutely love the benefits of
Twist 25 DHEA cream provides. Many customers have posted videos on
Youtube telling of what Twist 25 DHEA cream has done for them.


Medical research shows the human body metabolizes the pro-hormone DHEA
into small amounts of many hormones such as testosterone in the skin.
The skin is where we use much of the DHEA we make. So Twist 25 cream
actually provides exactly what the body produces naturally,
bioidentical DHEA, where we use it, in the skin.

DHEA helps to improve deep REM sleep, mood, motivation and feeling of

Because DHEA is a mild base for androgenic hormones, people feel more
focused and alive, and have more drive.  Twist 25 cream users get
active and exercise more. This, in turn helps people lose weight; and
since DHEA is a mild androgen base, less fat is stored by the body.

Users of Twist 25 DHEA cream feel leaner and fitter, have more energy
and feeling of well-being, are more active, get more exercise and lose

Physicians in Germany released a medical research study entitled “DHEA
administration increases rapid eye movement sleep and EEG power in the
sigma range” – “DHEA administration induced a significant (P< 0.05)
increase in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, whereas all other sleep
variables remained unchanged compared with the placebo condition.” see


Twist 25 DHEA cream is the highest quality DHEA cream.
Twist 25 is made and sold only in the U.S.A.
Twist 25 is laboratory tested for proper mix and strength.

Ask for Twist 25 DHEA cream at your local health retail store.

Website: http://www.twist25.com

Health2Go, Inc.
Health2Go, Inc. - the source for Twist 25 DHEA Cream
Houston, Texas
Toll free customer service: 888-489-4782