After Jenn failed to win the POV it looked like the remainder of the Quack Pack was guaranteed to go to the final four, but it now looks like at least two Quack Packers may be rethinking the plan.
HOH Ian originally nominated Shane and Jenn for eviction. Shane won the POV and Ian made Danielle the replacement nominee. Since Danielle has been very close to Shane and Dan all season, it initially appeared that her nomination guaranteed Jenn’s trip to the jury house. Ian, Shane and Dan assured Danielle that she is staying, but Ian and Shane have apparently entertained the idea of getting Danielle out of the house. Shane told Jenn that his vote is still not decided and then Ian talked to Jenn about possibly splitting Shane and Danielle’s tight alliance. It is unclear if Shane and Ian are serious about anything they have said about betraying Danielle. If Ian wants Danielle out, all he needs is one vote against her because he will then cast the vote to break the tie.
The live feeds are expected to shutdown later today for a special eviction to be featured on Wednesday’s episode.
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