The Morningstar ETF Managed Portfolios Landscape Report released today ranks the Wela Agg Yield ETF Portfolio as the top ranking Tactical Global ETF Strategy in the County. The Wela Agg Yield was classified in the global all-asset tactical group and was ranked at the top for 1 year returns out of 31 ranked managed ETF portfolios.
The report also ranked Wela’s Agg Yield Portfolio as the 10th ranked managed ETF portfolio strategy in the Country based on one year returns. And, in yet another victory for the Wela Strategies’ team, the report goes on to rank Wela’s OYA 50 portfolio as having the 3rd highest 3-year alpha in the balanced category of strategies.
According to Morningstar, professional money managers are packaging portfolios of ETFs into investment strategies to meet a wide array of investor demands, and thanks to the continual development of individual ETFs they are providing access to both stand-alone investment strategies and one-stop, complete-solution offerings.
Wela Strategies is honored to have its investment strategies ranked highly by the Morningstar report. “Our Wela Agg Yield is a unique blend of income-producing investments that aim to generate a consistent cash flow in a low and rising interest rate environment” explains Mitch Reiner, Managing Partner of Wela Strategies and COO of Capital Investment Advisors. “Therefore, in an age where 10 year yields are below 2 percent and America's baby boomers are retiring, the need for an income solution is upon us.”
According to Matt Reiner, Wela Portfolio Manager and Chief Investment Officer of Capital Investment Advisors, an ETF strategy designed to generate income is the solution for many baby boomers. Reiner says, “We have created a portfolio with a mix of assets that complement each other in the form of yield and volatility to be a solution to this great conundrum that's upon us. Yield and surviving rising interest rates is key today, and we believe the Wela Agg Yield is one appropriate solution for this problem.”
The ETF strategies managed by Wela were developed as a result of the vast experience and knowledge of the Wela team. Wes Moss, Wela Partner and Chief Investment Strategist of Capital Investment Advisors, offers the following thought on why Wela has been so successful. “We have taken a number of asset classes that advisors independently know well, such as MLPs, REITs, Preferred Stocks, Closed End Funds, and Fixed Income, and have built a way to tactically and strategically manage them together to produce a consistent cash flow with managed volatility in any rate environment,” says Moss.
Mitch Reiner, Managing Partner for Wela Strategies, will be presenting at the Morningstar ETF Invest Conference in October on Wela Strategies' approach to tactical allocation for fixed income, closed end funds, and alternative sources for income – REITS, MLPs, and preferred stocks. Access to the Morningstar ETF Managed Portfolios Landscape Report is available in this article:
About Wela Strategies: Wela is a financial advisory and investment management firm based in Metro Atlanta. Wela built their firm leveraging institutional research, an Investment Committee of 9 professionals, and low-cost strategies to provide investment solutions to both individuals and other investment professionals. In a world where high-quality advice and investment management is only being offered to investors with minimums of $500,000 or $1,000,000, Wela provides a viable solution for the individual investor. And, investment professionals are leveraging Wela’s strategies for unique income solutions and as a vehicle for total allocation utilizing ETFs. For more information on Wela, please visit or call 404-531-0018.