Atlanta, GA 9/16/2012 4:15:00 PM
News / Business

Secure a Low Interest Mortgage Rate with Bank of Internet USA

While the current state of the housing market has certainly produced a number of benefits to homebuyers this doesn’t mean that the process of buying a home should be taken lightly. Regardless of the deal a homebuyer must ensure that they are able to get a favorable home loan, one with a low interest mortgage rate to ensure their monthly payments remain affordable. 

Bank of Internet USA, America’s oldest and most trusted Internet bank, understands just how important the right home loan is to a homebuyer and with that just how important it is to secure a low interest mortgage rate.

Directly from BofI’s website a homebuyer can check interest rates, apply online and get instant approval for their home loan; it’s that simple.

BofI also has a team of skilled professional mortgage consultants readily available to answer any questions a homebuyer may have about their loan or low interest mortgage rates. It’s true that now is a great time to buy a home but it must be done intelligently and Bank of Internet USA is the perfect place to start.