Flagstaff 9/13/2012 3:27:52 AM
News / Law

Arizona Student Killed in Bicycle Accident by a Hit-and-Run Driver

A 21 year-old student at Northern Arizona University was killed over the weekend after she was struck by a hit-and-run driver.

Jordan Murphy-Mahoney or California was riding her bike around 11p.m. Saturday night in a Southern Flagstaff neighborhood when she was struck by a vehicle which fled the scene.

Jordan sustained serious injuries, but was still alive when emergency crews arrived on the scene, she however died shortly afterward.

Jordan was a respected student at the NAU and the site of her tragic accident was soon turned into a memorial donned with candles, flowers and words of sympathy.

Witnesses at the scene gave police a detailed description of the truck that collided with Jordan, which has sustained significant damage to the front end. Police got tips from other witnesses as to the location of the driver.

Police went to the location and found a young woman examining the damage to her truck and began questioning her about the collision. They eventually arrested Kelsey Cody, 22, who denied driving the truck at the time of the accident.

Cody was charged vehicular manslaughter and police believe alcohol may have played a factor in the accident.

Recently, the NHTSA released a study that showed pedestrians and cyclists were at higher risk of getting injured or killed in a traffic accident than in previous years, which emphasizes the need for pedestrians and cyclists to be very aware of surrounding traffic and for drivers to watch for other people sharing the road.

When driver negligence causes the senseless death or serious injuries to someone then an accident lawyer can make sure they fairly compensate the victim or victim’s family.