Seattle 9/13/2012 3:56:57 AM
News / Law

Singer John Mayer Named in Bankruptcy Suit tied to Ponzi Scheme

Seattle, WA- Singer John Mayer is no stranger to controversy but usually the focus is on his love life, but now he has been named in a bankruptcy lawsuit tied to a Ponzi scheme which landed the ring leader, Frederick Darren Berg in prison for 18 years.

The lawsuit was filed in July, but gossip kings TMZ just got a hold of the documents, and revealed the details a few days ago. According to the suit, Mayer isn’t accused of any wrongdoing; instead the filer is seeking to recover $465,000 in investor funds paid to the singer’s booking agent Grabow & Associates for a performance.

The suit is a typical clawback, trying to recover funds the debtor, in this case, Berg, shouldn’t have paid out. If the suit is successful, the proceeds would go to the creditors for Meridian Mortgage Investment funds, which Berg ran for close to decade. Overall, Berg defrauded investors of close to $100 million which he used to buy a luxury mansion, a yacht, and other indulgences, including Mayer’s performance at a private event.

Both Mayer and Grabow & Associates were listed as defendants in the suit. Mayer’s lawyer told TMZ that he performed for Berg at a corporate event in 2008. Bob Grabow said that neither he nor Mayer were aware of Berg’s scheme to defraud investors and further stated that the lawsuit was without merit.

Bankruptcy laws are complex and some clawback suits are successful. But with the help of an accomplished bankruptcy lawyer, Mayer may be off the hook for the money.