Atlanta 9/14/2012 12:36:41 AM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 14 Week 9 Spoilers: New Nominations And POV Results

After the special early eviction in which Jenn was sent packing, Danielle beat Dan and Shane in the Head of Household competition. Her win guaranteed her a spot in the final 3 and required her to decide one of the most important nominations. Danielle ended up protecting Shane and putting Ian and Dan on the chopping block.

Danielle also won the Power of Veto competition and now holds all the power. After the veto, Danielle solidified her final 3 deal with Shane and Dan. The trio all agreed that Ian needs to be evicted. Ian seems to know he is the target and he appears to have accepted he will join the jury.

The POV ceremony will be held tonight during the live eviction, so there is still time for Danielle to change her mind about evicting Ian.


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