Miami 9/14/2012 4:03:32 AM
News / Law

Jeb Bush to Pen Book about Immigration, Release Date in 2013

Miami, FL-Beloved former Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush plans to write a book dealing with the contentious issue of immigration for Threshold Editions a conservative branch of Simon & Schuster.

Threshold announced the book on Wednesday and the title will be “Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution.” Bush will write the book with help from conservative attorney Clint Bolick and it will be released sometime next spring.

In a press release Threshold said, “Drawing upon history and American ideals, Jeb Bush and Clint Bolick outline a courageous and comprehensive strategy to bridge partisan divide and set our nation’s immigration policy on a just and rational course. The book will represent a comprehensive solution based on two core principles: Immigration is vital to America’s future, fueling its growth, vibrancy and creativity; yet any true and enduring solution must adhere to the rule of law.”

Coming up with a humane solution to immigration has proven to be problematic for lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. But Conservatives have chosen to take an especially harsh tone without considering the millions of families and lives their rhetoric is adversely affecting. The tone has also caused Latinos to grow cold towards the GOP, causing Mitt Romney to lose a large block of their vote.

Bush recently warned his peers in the Republican Party to tone down their harsh rhetoric on illegal immigration and come up with reform that is fair and compassionate. Jeb’s brother George W. Bush had a more benevolent approach to immigration than the current leaders of the Republican Party so it gives him clout with this issue.

It is possible that the next President, whether it is Romney or Obama, will have to tackle the reform that lawmakers, advocates and immigration attorneys have long called for. But it will not be an easy task.