As more topless pictures of Kate Middleton were published in an Italian magazine, the royal couple’s legal team took action against Closer magazine for releasing the photos. A Clarence House spokesperson announced Monday the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge has filed a criminal complaint with the French Prosecution Department.
According to the spokesperson, the couple is “seeking an injunction against Closer magazine using more pictures and to prevent further publication of the photographs in France. It will lead to a longer court case where damages will be sought.”
The pictures show Middleton sunbathing topless with Prince William during their vacation at a private French chateau. In a statement released Friday, the palace called the taking and publishing of the photos a "grotesque and totally unjustifiable" invasion of the couple's privacy.
"Their Royal Highnesses have been hugely saddened to learn that a French publication and a photographer have invaded their privacy in such a grotesque and totally unjustifiable manner. The incident is reminiscent of the worst excesses of the press and paparazzi during the life of Diana, Princess of Wales, and all the more upsetting to The Duke and Duchess for being so," a St. James Palace spokesperson said. "Their Royal Highnesses had every expectation of privacy in the remote house. It is unthinkable that anyone should take such photographs, let alone publish them.”
Prince William and Middleton are currently in the Solomon Islands as part of Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee Tour.
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