9/18/2012 11:33:05 PM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Final 3 Drama

With just one more competition to go until the final HOH is determined, emotions are running high in the Big Brother house. On Monday, Danielle continued to threaten Ian about his plan to take Dan to the final 2. She claims that she will turn everyone in the jury against him if he wins HOH and sends her packing over Dan. So far, Ian doesn’t appear to be fazed by Danielle’s threats.

It is unclear if Danielle’s tirades are still part of an earlier plan Dan concocted to get Ian to throw part 3 of the HOH competition. They want Ian to feel safe enough with Dan to throw the competition so he won’t have to be the one to evict Danielle. Dan would then backdoor Ian.

Meanwhile, Dan appears to be having second thoughts about sending Ian to the jury. He is now concerned about how many jury votes he will get with all the backstabbing he has done.


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