Atlanta, GA 9/25/2012 5:10:00 PM
News / Business

Ease Fears of Financial Insecurity During Retirement with Reverse Mortgage Loan from Bank of Internet USA

Nobody wants to think that when they retire they will be facing an uncertain financial future, one that will dictate their options during this phase of their life. Unfortunately, for many this uncertainty is their reality and it has left them thinking they have no real options. Bank of Internet USA wants to assure homeowners 62 years of age or older that they do have options and that through a reverse mortgage loan the retirement they have always envisioned can be their reality.

As America’s oldest and most trusted Internet bank, Bank of Internet USA has extensive experience in assisting qualified homeowners through the process of securing a reverse mortgage loan and throughout this process a reverse mortgage specialist can point out the benefits of the loan as well as answer any questions a homeowner may have about reverse mortgages.

Bank of Internet USA goes to great lengths to ensure that homeowners seeking financial stability through a reverse mortgage understand that this loan is unlike traditional loans; there is no credit or income verification check used to determine eligibility, a reverse mortgage loan is based solely on the equity that has been built in a home.

Having already done the work of building this equity a homeowner is able to translate this into financial stability moving forward. In addition to this financial stability a homeowner who opts to secure a reverse mortgage loan will also:

•Retain ownership of their home.

•Have an option of not making any loan payments for the time they live in their home.

•Have the ability to refinance or sell their home at any time, as there are no penalty fees with a reverse mortgage loan.

If you are considering a reverse mortgage loan and have questions Bank of Internet USA has a team of professional reverse mortgage specialists readily available to provide you with information and point out additional features and benefits that come with a reverse mortgage.

To learn more about additional benefits of reverse mortgages and how you can get started go to: