Don't wait for your next structured settlement payment if you need the cash right away. Sell your structured settlement for a lump sum and get the money you need when you need it the most.
Even the best laid plans can fall apart, and even with a strict budget and the best of planning, you can never be prepared for life's little disasters. Leaky roofs, broken down cars, and medical emergencies are not only frustrating but costly as well, and even if you do have a structured settlement to help you out with your finances, chances are you don't get enough money with each payment to cover any financial emergencies.
Selling a structured settlement payment can help you get the money you need faster than you normally would so you wont have to worry about money anymore.
AnFed Bank can help you get the money you need. After years of helping people get their money from their
structured settlement payments without waiting, AnFed Bank can help you do the same.
AnFed Bank is a division of B of I Federal Bank. Their team of professionals can help you decide on a fair and reasonable lump sum payment for your structured settlement so you can get the money you deserve without having to wait for it or share it with anyone else.
Sell your structured settlement to AnFed Bank today and stop worrying about money now.