Atlanta 9/26/2012 1:16:31 AM
News / Internet

WooEB Prepares to Launch Music Platform

Musicians Join WooEB and Get Ready to Share Your Music

WooEB Prepares to Launch Music Platform inside Social Networking Platform prepares to launch a Music Platform where musicians will be able to join WooEB create their unique URL inside their WooEB Hub and upload their music. In addition to musicians being able to have an additional outlet to reach their fans on WooEB the musicians will also have additional features that WooEB believes is unique.

In addition to providing musicians with the basic capabilities of uploading their music and being able to share it with their fans WooEB also provides a complete content management platform whereby musicians post videos, pictures, press releases, product, list upcoming events, blogs and sell tickets to shows.

WooEB is bring the most interactive content modules that people post content on or readers go to view all in one place. With the addition of the new music platform WooEB believes this will provide musicians with the tools they need to highlight themselves properly to their fans. The WooEB platform provides every member the opportunity to own their own ad space inside their Hub so no other ads can appear. Musicians can pay $30.00 for the entire year if they choose to run ads on the ADit platform.

WooEB is a free social networking platform that does provide paid for services.

To view WooEB and see what’s happening you are not required to become a member. WooEB is open to the public making it very easy to reach more people with your music than if members are required to join to listen to your music or see where your next show is. With WooEB’s open platform search engines can index all of the content posted that they choose to index being their crawlers do not have to sign in to see the content. This provides additional search results for artists and the capabilities of reaching a wider global audience.