Addicts exhibit many personality traits and behavioral characteristics that don’t involve the actual "using" of a chemical substance. Experts from drug rehabs call these traits and characteristics "the addictive personality." Substance Abuse Treatment Centers generally assign counselors and therapists to help addicts in drug rehabs learn new behaviors that can help them lead a healthy life, free of chemicals. Drug rehab experts know that if these behaviors are not challenged and in some cases, corrected, addicts stand a good chance of relapsing. The following are some characteristics of addicts before they enter a substance abuse treatment center. Addicts can’t stand feeling uncomfortable for any length of time. Low frustration tolerance.
Often, therapists in drug rehabs use a variety of techniques to help addicts curb these destructive personality traits. The addictive personality is not something that can be cured overnight. However, cognitive behavior therapy over long periods of time inside or outside of a substance abuse treatment center has proven effective for helping addicts to manage these symptoms of addiction.