Los Angeles 1/5/2007 1:42:05 AM
News / Politics

Columnist's Second Edition Book Says There's No Such Thing As Sensible Gun Laws In The United States.

Author and Columnist's Second Edition Book Says There's No Such Thing as Sensible Gun Laws In The United States.

John Longenecker's second edition of Transfer Of Wealth is an expose of official go-nowhere anti-crime policies with warnings of predatory industrial complexes thriving on violence, the 2006 United Nations threats to U.S. personal sovereignty, high-tech surveillance and suspicioning of citizens, and Hurricane Katrina's 2006 untoward agendas bent on testing abolition of sovereignty.

Transfer Of Wealth’s concentration includes updates on the imposition of RFID Chip tracking of persons and property soon, the imposition of National ID Cards to come in 2008, and other intrusions all in the name of fighting violence and terrorism.

Longenecker points to how these relate more than ever before to the non-gun owner households across America such that even the impartial homes are profoundly affected by the more than 22,000 gun laws currently in force, the hi-tech surveillance and the self-defense restraints.

"But is this where crime is fought?" questions Longenecker.

"Many cottage industries and giant complexes have emerged in the name of fighting violence," says Longenecker, "And where the individual is the first line of defense in all legality and practicality, irrespective of party affiliation, it is frustrated the most through punitive laws, values suppression, and wrongful, misguided peer pressure."

"It's time for every head of household to consider specific realities when it comes to meeting violence, to learn their true authority, and to understand the fraud of anti-violence measures," says Longenecker in various interviews. "When officials gain from violence as they seek to gain from various crises, households then see more clearly the motives behind the anti-violence movement."

Longenecker is available for Talkradio booking on short notice. 800-507-8240

See www.TransferOfWealth.net and his regular column at MENS NEWS DAILY... http://mensnewsdaily.com/author/john-longenecker/

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