Matsing hoped Roxy’s elimination would strengthen their tribe and help them break their losing streak, but the move did nothing to improve their game. Matsing headed to tribal council for the third week in a row.
The immunity challenge required each tribe to collect eight puzzle pieces from underwater. The first two tribes to solve the puzzle won safety and fishing kits. Matsing gets off to a rough start with Angie struggling to release the first puzzle piece. Russell loses more time because he is too weak to climb the ladder on the platform. He puts Matsing further behind when he gives up on getting another puzzle piece and returns to the platform empty handed. Malcolm and Denise do their best to catch up, but Kalabaw and Tandang make quick work of their puzzles.
Back at camp, it is up to Malcolm and Denise to decide on the vote. They end up giving Russell another chance. Angie becomes the third person to leave the game.
Matsing is the only tribe that doesn’t have their hidden immunity idol in play. Over at Tandang, Abi-Maria decided to share RC’s hidden immunity clue with Pete. They searched the camp and discovered that the idol is the medallion on top of the rice box. At Kalabaw’s camp, Dana points out that their medallion is missing. Jeff suspects it is the idol and he is certain Penner has it. Penner decides to be honest with Jeff about having the idol. The two agree to try to build some trust and work together.
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