January 8 2007 1/7/2007 2:01:02 AM
News / Politics

Video Documentary Exposes Psychiatry As A Death Industry

“Psychiatry an Industry of Death”’ blazes the bright light of truth on the brutal pseudo science and the multibillion dollar fraud that is psychiatry.

A riveting video documentary which exposes the psychiatric industry as a criminal organization was made available worldwide this month by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, a watchdog group established by the Church of Scientology to investigate and expose psychiatric violations of human rights.

Through rare historical and contemporary footage and interviews with more than 160 doctors, attorneys, educators, survivors and experts on the mental health industry and its abuses, the riveting documentary ‘Psychiatry An Industry of Death' blazes the bright light of truth on the brutal pseudo science and the multibillion dollar fraud that is psychiatry."

Brian Beaumont, the president of the Vancouver chapter of CCHR said, "The   DVD documents how psychiatry's ability to convince drug companies and governments to pour billions of dollars into its practices is based upon fraudulent ‘diagnostic' criteria. Psychiatrists package various behavior and emotional characteristics and falsely categorize these as a ‘disease' or ‘disorder'. There isn't a single aspect of behavior that doesn't fall within the broad ‘symptoms' which comprise so-called ‘mental illness.'"

The DVD companion brochure contains over 150 photos and graphics that track the history of psychiatry from it's macabre 18th century origins to today, where 100,000 patients die each year in psychiatric institutions and 20 million children have been put on potentially lethal mind-altering drugs.

The DVD reveals how normal active children are forced into taking mind altering and addictive drugs with damaging and sometimes fatal consequences and their parents are powerless against the coercive onslaught of falsehoods opinions and the 'chemical imbalance' hoax which is foisted on them as 'fact'. In addition, there are the elderly who are treated with drugs so powerful that it leaves many with permanent physiological damage. Some drug treatments are flanked with the infamous ECT treatments which leave the patients - the ones that survive - with permanent brain and neurological damage.

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights was established by the Church of Scientology to investigate and expose psychiatric violations of human rights To view the video go to www.cchr.org.

To obtain a copy of the documentary or report your own or another's abuse case, please contact the Citizens Commission on Human Rights at 1 800 670 2247. Complete confidentiality assured.