Atlanta 10/19/2012 2:35:23 AM
News / World

4 People Arrested For Beheading Of Young Afghan Woman

Four people have been arrested in western Afghanistan for the beheading of a young woman. Authorities say 20-year-old Mah Gul was decapitated at the behest of her mother-in-law because she refused to prostitute herself.

''We have arrested her mother-in-law, father-in-law, her husband and the man who killed her,'' says Herat province police chief Abdul Ghafar Sayedzada.

Gul’s mother-in-law tried to force her in to prostitution several times since her marriage four month ago, according Sayedzada. When Gul refused to have sex with an unidentified man last week, the woman convinced another man to kill her. The suspect, Najibullah, says he agreed to kill Gul because he was told that she was a prostitute.

''It was around 2am when Gul's husband left for his bakery. I came down and with the help of her mother-in-law killed her with a knife,'' he said at a press conference.


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