Scottsdale 10/22/2012 11:59:57 PM
News / Law

TASER Announced the Commencement of an Action in the Courts Concerning Trademark Law Against Mr. Antoine di Zazzo

TASER International, Inc..(NASDAQTASR ) Antoine di Zazzo, the former distributor for TASER France will be decided by the courts of this country in November 2012. The case is not about TASER International. Insofar as Mr. di Zazzo was often cited as the "Mr. TASER" in France, it seems likely that the name now inappropriate can be confusing when it is mentioned in the press. In fact, TASER is a registered trade whose use is reserved exclusively to TASER International, Inc.. The mark is registered in the United States and the European Union, and is one of many brands owned TASER International.

Mr. di Zazzo is not affiliated with TASER International and is not authorized to act on behalf and for the account of TASER International or use the trademarks of TASER. September 13, 2010, TASER announced in a press release the opening of local subsidiary SE Europe TASER International, in order to establish an official presence and support of the European market in full expansion.

Regarding France, Europe SE TASER International provides assistance and works directly with our customers and prospects in the country, which includes, inter alia, a helpdesk directly to Paris. In France, all requests for information, sales, customer support services, training and service is managed directly by TASER SE Europe .

About TASER International, Inc..

TASER International, Inc.. (NASDAQTASR ) is a global provider of safety technologies designed to protect life and to protect the truth. More than 16,800 public safety agencies in 107 different countries place their trust in electronic control devices TASER (R) and camera systems officer AXONflex (TM), to help them in their mission of protection and service. At present, the use of TASER electronic control devices has saved more than 97,000 people from death or serious injury, knowing that the TASER innovations benefit individuals and as families, by providing one reliable personal protection, while respecting the lives of others. Since 1994, more than 244,000 people have relied on TASER technology effectively to ensure their personal safety. For more information about TASER International and the solutions offered by the company, visit , or call (800) 978-2737.


Warning to investors

To view our statement of exemption for Investor Relations (Investor Relations Safe Harbor Statement), please visit the following website: safeharbor .

For more information on investor relations, please contact Erin Curtis telephone number 480-515-6330, or by email to , or Dan Behrendt, Chief Financial Officer of TASER International, Inc., telephone number 480-905-2002.