Cocaine is the second most commonly abused drug in
Cocaine addiction is often characterized by severe dependence and high costs and extreme situations which tend to result in consequences that are usually delivered fast and strong to both the individual and those around them. When an individual arrives or is brought to the juncture to stop their addiction and get treatment, weather through their own accord or through an intervention – Mountainside can provide the professional assistance, support and treatment needed to successfully guide the individual and their families through each step.
Each day in the
There have been scientific studies in which laboratory rats, when given the choice of cocaine or food and water, the rats will choose cocaine. This study also showed just how psychologically powerful the drug is. The same lab rats would press a lever which emitted an electric shock along with a dose of cocaine over 10,000 times just to get the dose of cocaine. While there is no real comparison between human and rat physiology, the study is compelling in the sense that it shows just how powerful the drug can be.
While cocaine leaves the body after approximately 72 hours, the psychological effects can last for years. At Mountainside Drug Rehab and
Working with their counselors, residents are able to take advantage of a long list of treatment initiatives designed to appeal to individual tastes and preferences. One of the tenets of its individualized drug addiction rehab program is to get people fully engaged in their recoveries. To learn more of the some of the addiction treatment program offerings please visit our website or call.
Intervention and 24 Hour Assistance Available
Contact our Admissions Department at 800-762-5433
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