(, the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, has just launched a directory of health related articles that include information about diabetes and optional treatments. Juvenile diabetes is a topic covered in the directory and parents may find it interesting to know that current research suggests that nutritional supplements can benefit children who have Type 1 diabetes. Because diabetes is becoming a national concern, ChristiaNet's president, Bill Cooper is committed to getting good information about supplemental treatment to both children and adults. "Research shows that the number of diagnosed diabetes cases are increasing and we want to give those struggling with this illness every opportunity to get good information that can lead to as healthy of a life as possible," stated Cooper. (
One of the most costly diseases of this era is Diabetes Mellitus. This condition is increasing at epidemic rates throughout America. Juvenile diabetes is also on the increase and the number of Type 2 diagnosis in children now counts for as much as 45% of all new cases. Historically, Type 1 diabetes, which is insulin dependent, has primarily affected children.
Nutritional supplements such as vitamin B6, vitamin E, and Zinc have been used in improving glucose tolerance for Type 2 diabetes in both children and adults. But new research is suggesting that the use of vitamins and minerals can also aid in the treatment of Type 1 juvenile diabetes. Published in the July 2006 issue of Pediatrics are results of a study using 124 children with Type 1 diabetes who were given high doses of folate and vitamin B6. Outcomes showed a normalized endothelial dysfunction in the patients for an extended period of time. This is promising news for those who depend upon insulin.
While research regarding nutritional supplements is promising, parents of children with diabetes are encouraged to seek the advice of their doctors before proceeding with an alternative treatment plan. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in middle-aged adults and the leading cause of kidney failure later in life. For more information, visit:
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