Atlanta 11/2/2012 4:08:29 AM
News / Entertainment

Survivor Philippines Recap: Tandang and Kalabaw Merge

With fractures already appearing in Tandang and Kalabaw, it was inevitable that someone would flip at the merge. RC and Scupin were the most likely candidates since they had been on the outs in Kalabaw for several weeks, but it ended up being Jeff and Carter that jumped ship from Tandang to align with the core alliance of Kalabaw.

Soon after the merge, Lisa discovers Malcom’s immunity idol while hanging clothes out to dry. Malcolm realizes he has to do some damage control, so he reconnects with his old ally Denise and they agree to pull Lisa in to their circle. Lisa promises not to tell the rest of the tribe and she halfheartedly agrees to his final 3 offer.

For the immunity challenge, each player has to keep a weighted bucket in the air by keeping a crank in place. The last guy and girl standing both win immunity necklaces. Denise and Carter win the challenge.

Back at camp, Jeff seems sure about aligning with Kalabaw to flush out Penner’s immunity idol. He wants Penner gone so bad that he doesn’t seriously consider Scupin and RC’s offer to form a dominate alliance with the original Tandang. At tribal council, Penner and RC throw their votes towards Pete. The other votes are split between Penner and RC. Penner plays his idol and RC becomes the first jury member.


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