Decatur 11/3/2012 12:57:13 AM
News / Law

Croy & Timms Celebrates One Year Representing the Injured and Disabled

Judy Greenbaum Croy and Bonnie S. Timms are proud to celebrate the One Year Anniversary of their law firm, Croy & Timms, LLC. The attorneys of Croy & Timms bring with them over 30 years of litigation and mediation experience in large firm and corporate settings and continue their representation of the injured and disabled.

Croy &Timms LLC is a multifaceted firm that has previously practiced in the areas of workers’ compensation and Social Security.  They are pleased to announce that they have now expanded their practice and have also been certified by the VA to practice in the area of Veterans Disability benefits.   Located only a mile from the VA Medical Center in Decatur, Georgia, Croy & Timms is now able to use its disability experience to help the veterans in their community a very real and concrete way.  There are very few attorneys who are currently representing these veterans and Judy and Bonnie are proud to be on the ground floor of this practice area. “It has truly been a blessing for us to be able to help these very worthy veterans maneuver through the complex system of veterans’ disability benefits,” remarked Bonnie.

Though their firm is now a year old and their client list has increased, Judy Croy and Bonnie Timms still take pride in speaking with every client personally.  “We know that as clients we would not be satisfied hiring a lawyer and meeting only a support staffer,” says Judy Croy,  “ We would not want to treat our clients any differently than we would want to be treated ourselves. While it can be a challenge to fit everything in the day, at our law firm we make every effort to return every call personally and do so by the end of the next business day.” 

Croy & Timms welcomes the opportunity to continue in their representation of the injured and disabled in workers’ compensation, Social Security disability and veterans’ disability claims.  They have offices in Decatur and Marietta, Georgia and can be reached at by telephone at 404-601-7619. The firm’s website is found at

Attorney Judy Croy is a member of the national attorney network on

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