In a new ET interview, Dancing with the Stars All Stars contestant Kirstie Alley made a shocking confession. The actress revealed she and Patrick Swayze instantly formed a strong emotional bond on the set of the 1985 Civil War mini-series North and South. Though they were both married at the time – Swayze to long-time love Lisa Niemi and Alley to her second husband Parker Stevenson – Alley said they fell in love, but did not have an affair. She does not know if Niemi was ever aware of what happened.
"Both of us were married. We did not have an affair. But again, I think what I did was worse. Because I think when you fall in love with someone when you're married, you jeopardize your own marriage and their marriage. It's doubly bad," Alley told ET’s Chris Jacobs.
Four years after falling for Swayze, Alley fell in love with John Travolta on the set of Look Who’s Talking. In a recent interview with Barbara Walters, the actress called Travolta “the greatest love of my life.” Alley divorced Stevenson in 1997.
Swayze was married to Niemi from 1975 until his death from pancreatic cancer in 2009. Alley spoke at Swazye’s funeral at Niemi’s request.
Alley opens up more about her past in her new book, The Art of Men.
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