Atlanta 11/9/2012 2:06:14 AM
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Survivor Philippines Recap: Jeff Joins The Jury

Breaking his alliance with Penner ultimately proved to be a fatal mistake for Jeff Kent. The former MLB star got the boot at tribal council following a last minute vote scramble that had the entire tribe divided and confused.

Jeff’s downfall began when Penner survived last week’s vote by playing his hidden immunity idol. He is understandably mad about the betrayal, but Jeff does nothing to mend fences. The entire tribe, with the exception of Scupin, makes it clear that Penner is on the chopping block again.

For the rewards challenge, the tribe is split in to two teams. Abi, Artis, Pete, Carter and Mike are on the blue team while Jeff Jonathan, Malcolm, Denise and Lisa make up the yellow team. Each team must collect four bags of puzzle pieces from fishing traps in the ocean before digging in the sand for a key to unlock their banner frame. The first tribe to complete their banner puzzle wins lunch on board a riverboat. The yellow team puts their banner together quickly and wins the reward.

The immunity challenge involves the players untying bags of puzzle pieces as they move through a small obstacle course. The first three people to cross the finish line moves on to the puzzle round. Jeff and Pete cross first and Penner barely beats Scupin over the line. The puzzle portion gets off to a rough start for Penner, but after a few well placed pieces he is able to speed through the puzzle. Penner wins immunity.

Back at camp, everyone must come up with a new vote. Lisa decides to make a big move. She tells Pete about Malcolm’s hidden immunity idol, hoping to convince him to blindside Malcom. Instead, Pete confronts Malcolm. Malcolm insists he doesn’t have it, and Pete believes him. Pete suggests voting out Jeff. Everyone seems to be on board, but Malcolm is nervous about his position with Pete’s crew so he goes to Jeff about getting Pete out. Jeff and Malcolm try to pull in Denise, Carter, Penner and Scupin’s votes at the last minute.

Tribal council ends with Malcolm and Abi revealing their immunity idols, but fractures in the tribe stop any big moves from being made. Scupin and Penner back out of the Pete vote at the last minute and Jeff becomes the second member of the jury.


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